Within the scope of a modernization project, thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG will upgrade the combustion system of the FBA 8 galvanizing line, located at the Dortmund plant. The newly implemented heating system will provide drastically lower emissions.
The purchase order for delivery, assembly, and commissioning of 195 modernized self-recuperative burners has been placed with WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH. The heating system will achieve exceptionally low NOx emissions due to proven double P-tube design and the patented FLOX® combustion process. The retrofit is to be completed by mid-2022. Detailed planning will keep line down time to a minimum for the duration of the retrofit.
In the future, the tkSE plant in Dortmund will operate three vertical strip lines, positioning it as one of the most advanced and modern sites for annealing and surface treating of steel strip globally. Up to 2 million metric tons of steel can be processed annually, once all three lines are in full operation. tkSE employs and fully relies on proven and environmentally friendly heating technology, a technology that even today is suitable for a future with green combustion gases. After the conversion, approximately 800 low emissions burners will be in operation at the Dortmund facility.
WS can rely on decades of experience with the highly awarded FLOX combustion technology. Experience is gained from tens of thousands of burners successfully in operation worldwide. FLOX enables highly efficient burners to operate while simultaneously maintaining very low NOx emissions.
“It is our ambition at WS, to provide solutions for all continuously operated strip lines which can reliably attain NOx emissions well below 100 mg/Nm, with simultaneously high combustion efficiency over 80 percent and which are, already today, suited for a future with green combustion gases,”, said Dr.-Ing. Joachim G. Wünning, president of WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH.
MORE INFO www.thyssenkrupp-steel.com/en