Thursday, February 13, 2025

Request a Media Kit

Request Media Guide

Excellent exposure is guaranteed for all contributors with more than 16,000 print and digital copies of each issue distributed domestically and internationally

Articles address topics such as carburizing, annealing, flame hardening, austenitizing, austempering, case hardening, cyaniding, carbonitriding, stress relieving, martempering, and even cryogenic and quenching techniques. Metallurgists discuss the latest research into the metals and alloys used in manufacturing gears, particularly their reaction to the various heat-treating processes to which they are exposed. Engineers describe cutting-edge furnace designs leading to greater productivity, dependability, and repeatability.

Ad Dimensions

2-Page Spread* 17.25″ x 11.125″  16.75″ x 10.875″ 16″ x 9.975″
Full Page 8.625″ x 11.125″ 8.375″ x 10.875″ 7.475″ x 9.975″
1/2 Page Island 4.94″ x 7.45″ 4.94″ x 7.45″
1/2 Page Horizontal 7.475″ x 4.925″ 7.475″ x 4.925″
1/2 Page Vertical 4.175″ x 11.25″ 3.675″ x 9.975″ 3.675″ x 9.975″
1/3 Page Square 4.94″ x 4.925″ 4.94″ x 4.925″
1/3 Page Vertical 2.9″ x 11.125″ 2.4″ x 9.975″ 2.4″ x 9.975″
1/4 Page 3.675″ x 4.925″ 3.675″ x 4.925″
1/9 Page 2.4075″ x 3.24″ 2.4075″ x 3.24″
*Gutter on 2-page spread: 1″


Each edition of the magazine will be perfect bound.


We will only accept your artwork in the following data formats:

  • Adobe InDesign 5.5 or earlier (including fonts/images used)
  • Adobe Illustrator 10.0 or earlier (all text must be converted to outlines)
  • TIFF, EPS or JPEG (CMYK format, 300dpi minimum)
  • Supplier must provide all fonts used in ad (PostScript Type 1 only, no TrueType fonts)

We can only accept artwork in the following media types:

  • CD-ROM
  • Electronic Transfer via Email (see below for more information)
    Sorry, we cannot accept 1.44MB floppies or film negatives.


A color proof must be included with your artwork to ensure proper output. We are not responsible for errors when no proof is supplied. For electronically transferred artwork, we can only insure proper reproduction if the above standards are met.


We can accept photos/images as follows:

  • TIFF, EPS or JPEG (CMYK format, 300dpi minimum) THIS IS OUR PREFERRED FORMAT.
  • Lab-processed photographs (no inkjet/laser printed photos)
  • 35mm or medium-format slides (no negatives, please)

Additional Information

Electronic Transfer via Email

  • Send emailed artwork to:
  • FTP upload here
    user name:
    password: mediasolutions
  • Scan all artwork for viruses before emailing. You may be liable for any damages to computer equipment caused by a sent virus.
  • Folders/sets of related files should be compressed into Stuffit (.sit) or Zip (.zip) format before emailing.

Miscellaneous Information

  • Ads intended to bleed must include at least 1/8″ bleed around all edges of ad.
  • Fonts, images/scans, logos/artwork must be embedded in all EPS or Hi-Res PDF files.
  • Supply Quark “Collect for Output” or similar reports
  • All images/scans, logos/artwork must be in CMYK mode All sent artwork (including email) must include the following:
  • Magazine Title
  • Issue Date
  • Advertiser’s Name
  • Contact Information (name, phone, email, fax if applicable)
  • List of contents (IMPORTANT)