Celebrating 50 years of IFHTSE in 2022

The special emphasis of ECHT2022, to be held in Salzburg, Austria in 2022, will be on Heat Treatment in Steel Processing.

The 27th IFHTSE Congress will be in Salzburg, Austria, September 5-8, 2022, at the Wyndham Grand Salzburg Conference Center. This is going to be a special event, as it will also commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of IFHTSE.

The conference co-chairmen are Masahiro Okumiya, Toyota Technological Institute (Japan), president of IFHTSE; and Reinhold Schneider, University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria, chairman of the ASMET Heat Treatment Committee.

The special emphasis of ECHT2022 will be on Heat Treatment in Steel Processing. Topics include furnace design, thermomechanical treatments; quenching technology, additive manufacturing, and coating technologies. For more information, go to www.ifhtse-echt2022.org/

Important dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: January 31, 2022
  • Notification of Acceptance: March 31, 2022
  • Preliminary program: April 30, 2022
  • Full paper Submission Deadline: May 31, 2022

Spotlight on Members

IFHTSE is a federation of organizations, not individuals. There are three groups of members: scientific or technical societies and associations, universities and registered research institutes, and companies.

This month we highlight the India (Mumbai) Chapter of ASM.

Established in 1979 by Dr. H.M. Mehta with a handful of dedicated volunteers, it has been continuously pursuing the mission of ASM of collecting and disseminating knowledge on materials and processes. This is being done through technical courses on subjects such as metallurgy for the non-metallurgists, failure analysis, metal forming, heat treatment, welding, non-ferrous metals, thermal spraying, and more. The Exhibition Heat Treat Show began in 1990 and has become a trademark of the chapter. The show is held biannually and is well attended by Indian industry and international exhibitors and authors. Other activities include arranging conferences, workshops, and exhibitions on recent developments in material processing, material application engineering, equipment, and more.

The next event is the 4th MET-2021, International Conference on Materials, Engineering and Technology, September 29–October 1, 2021, at the Bombay Exhibition Center in Mumbai, India.

Upcoming Events

HEAT TREAT 2021, sponsored by the Heat-Treating Society of ASM.

This event will be in St. Louis, Missouri, September 14-16. This event will be held jointly with IMAT and The Thermal Spray Society. This year’s conference and expo will feature:

Latest research and industry insights offered during more than 100 technical presentations.

Continued co-location with Motion + Power Technology Expo 2021 with access to additional exhibitors, in the co-located exhibit hall.

Student/emerging professionals’ initiatives, including free college student registration, Fluxtrol Student Research Competition, and the new ASM Heat Treating Society Strong Bar Student Competition.

Members in the News

Sören Segerberg (1943-2021)

It is with much regret to announce the passing of Sören Segerberg. He received his M.Sc in Engineering at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and was an ASM Fellow. His citation for ASM fellow read “for sustainable development of quenching technology and leadership in the global heat-treating industry, including research leading to the understanding of quenching principles and for the development of testing equipment for gas and liquid quenchant characterization.” He is the author of many papers on measuring and monitoring quenchant performance. He had been retired from IVF (now RISE) for more than 10 years. He was a true mentor and teacher.

Segerberg and his company, HEATTEC Värmebehandling AB, manufactured the ivf SmartQuench test probes and furnaces for RISE. His work will be carried on by his son, Peter Segerberg.

Calendar of events

Due to the pandemic, many conferences planned for 2021 have either been delayed or canceled. Please watch this space for updates on current conference planning.

September 13–16
ASM International Materials Applications & Technologies
St. Louis, MO, USA | www.asminternational.org/web/imat

September 29–October 1
14th HTS International Exhibition and Conference
Mumbai, India | www.htsindiaexpo.com

October 26–28
HK 2021
HK is the largest materials technology industry meeting in Europe
Cologne, Germany | www.hk-awt.de

April 2022
12th Tooling Conference & Exhibition (Tooling 2022)
Örebro, Sweden

September 2022
27th IFHTSE Congress / European Conference on Heat Treatment
Salzburg, Austria

April 2023
5th International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering of Tools and Dies
Liangzhu Dream Town, Hangzhou, China

November 13-16, 2023
28th IFHTSE Congress
Yokohama, Japan