Podgornik to be awarded IFHTSE Fellowship at Lecce conference


Prof. Bojan Podgornik, head of the Materials and Technology department at the Institute of Metals and Technology and Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, will hold the opening lecture at the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering on “Self-lubricating surfaces for hot forming of light-weight alloys.”

At this conference, he will also be awarded the IFHTSE Fellowship “in recognition of his significant research work, knowledge contribution, and international activity in the field of heat treatment and surface engineering, focused on deep cryogenic treatment, substrate multi-properties approach, and hard coatings interactions.” The award ceremony will be at the combined IFHTSE conferences in Lecce, Italy.

Dr. Patrick Jacquot to be given award

Dr. Patrick Jacquot

Dr. Patrick Jacquot will receive an award at the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering. He was IFHTSE president 2016-2017 and served on the Executive Committee of IFHTSE for 15 years. He is a renowned expert of surface engineering and was a leader in the central laboratory of the Bodycote Group.

The citation of the award reads: “in recognition of his extensive contributions to the practical application of new heat treatment and surface engineering technologies and his long-time service to IFHTSE including his presidency.” The award ceremony will at the combined IFHTSE conferences in Lecce, Italy.

Prof. Imre Felde to lead opening lecture

The opening lecture of the 5th International Conference on Thermal Process Modeling and Simulation will be by Prof. Imre Felde of the Obuda University, of Budapest, Hungary. Prof. Felde, treasurer of IFHTSE, will be speaking about “Physics-informed neural networks for heat treatment operations.”

Conference Updates

4th Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (MCHTSE 2024)
April 17-19, 2024  I  Lecce, Italy

MCHTSE 2024 will be held together with the 5th International Conference on Thermal Process Modeling and Simulation (5th ICTPMS). These two IFHTSE conferences will be in Lecce, Italy.

The conferences aim to provide a forum where engineers, scientists, researchers, and production managers can review and discuss fundamentals, new challenges, recent progress, and emerging topics in the fields of advanced heat treatment and surface engineering technology.

TPMS-5 aims at covering all aspects of modeling and simulation of thermal processes.

More info: www.aimnet.it/eng/manifestazione.php?id=789&idc=4

2nd Bosphorus International Heat Treatment Symposium
April 25-26, 2024  I  Istanbul, Türkiye

BHTS’2024 — 2nd Bosphorus International Heat Treatment Symposium will be at the Halic Congress Center in Istanbul April 25-26, 2024, in cooperation with MISAD — Heat Treatment Industrialists Association and METEM-UCTEA, Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers’ Training Center.

With the scope of this symposium, a space will be created where the challenges in advanced heat-treatment technologies, current R&D studies, new developments, and different ideas will be discussed. Within this framework, local, foreign, and international companies are invited that want to exhibit their products, services, and exemplary applications to support them as participants. The symposium is in Turkish and English. Turkish-English simultaneous translation will be provided in all sessions.

More info: www.bhtsheat.com/en

European Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering 2024
(and A3TS 50th Congress)
June 5-7, 2024  I  Toulouse, France

The ECHT 2024 Conference and the 50th Annual A3TS Congress will take place together in Toulouse, France June 5-7, 2024. The focus will be on processes and technologies for a sustainable future in transport and industry. The conference will deal with all fields of heat treatment and surface engineering: heat treatment of metals (iron and steel, non-ferrous alloys); thermochemical treatment of metals; coatings and surface treatments; coatings and surface treatments including dry treatment operations (PVD, CVD, plasma, thermal spraying, etc.); and wet treatment operations (electrochemistry, etc.). Specific sessions will be devoted to the aerospace industry. Additional focus areas include:

  • Contribution of innovative heat and thermochemical treatments to EU climate goals.
  • Digital technologies in heat treatment and surface engineering industries.
  • Coatings made from enhanced materials for electrical and thermal conductivity.
  • Surface engineering to address environmental constraints.

New needs in tribological properties: an open challenge for heat treatment and surface engineering.

More info: echt2024a3ts.sciencesconf.org

The 29th IFHTSE World Congress, a premier global event dedicated to advancing the fields of heat treatment and surface engineering, will be held Sept. 30 to Oct. 3 in Cleveland, Ohio. (Courtesy: Shutterstock)

29th IFHTSE Congress
September 30-October 3, 2024  I  Cleveland, Ohio

The ASM Heat Treating Society (HTS) and the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (IFHTSE) present the 29th IFHTSE World Congress, a premier global event dedicated to advancing the fields of heat treatment and surface engineering. Co-located with ASM’s annual meeting, IMAT 2024, the congress is scheduled for September 30-October 3, 2024 in Cleveland, Ohio.

The 2024 IFHTSE World Congress revolves around the theme “Innovations in Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering for a Sustainable Future.” Emphasizing the critical role of these technologies in shaping a sustainable world, the event will explore the latest developments, breakthroughs, and practices that can enhance the efficiency, performance, and environmental impact of heat treatment and surface engineering processes. In addition, traditional heat-treating topics will be offered.

Important dates:

First Draft of Manuscript Due: May 17, 2024.

Editor Feedback to Authors: June 14, 2024.

Final Manuscripts Due: June 28, 2024.

More info: www.asminternational.org/ifhtse-congress

Third International Conference on Quenching and Distortion Engineering
May 6-8, 2025  I  Vancouver, Canada

This event will be held in conjunction with AeroMat 2025. This is a continuation of the successful Distortion Engineering conference series and the Quenching and Distortion conference series. The first QDE was in Chicago in 2012 and has occurred at approximately five-year intervals. There is a strong focus on the effects of residual stress during manufacturing and methods to control distortion and residual stress. The call for papers is expected in the next few months.

IFHTSE is a federation of organizations not individuals. There are three groups of members: scientific or technical societies and associations, universities and registered research institutes, and companies.