Registration is open now for IHEA’s Fundamentals of Industrial Process Heating Online Learning Course beginning April 15, 2019. The course is ideal for students who wish to further their studies at home or work in a flexible web-based distance-learning format. It’s an affordable alternative to campus-based classes and allows students to go at their own pace. The program offers a vital tool to industrial process heating operators and users of all types of industrial heating equipment. Students learn safe, efficient operation of industrial heating equipment, how to reduce energy consumption, and ways to improve a company’s bottom-line.
The fundamentals course provides an overview of heat transfer, fuels and combustion, energy use, furnace design, refractories, automatic control, and atmospheres as applied to industrial process heating. For a complete listing of the topics covered, visit www.ihea.org, click the Training and Events tab, and scroll to Online Course.

Industry expert Jack Marino will lead students in this six-week online course. Marino is a registered professional engineer with more than 40 years of experience in the heat-processing business. He is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering and has a master’s degree in Engineering Science from Penn State. Marino began his career as a project engineer and worked his way to vice president of Engineering. He eventually became the owner and president of Denton Refractory Services Corporation, a refractory contracting and furnace construction company. He also started Hauck Manufacturing’s Chinese company and served as president of Hauck Combustion (Nanjing). Marino holds six patents in combustion technology and is the author of numerous technical papers. His knowledge and experience are invaluable resources that online students can access throughout the course.
“The instructor has excellent knowledge of the course and quick response,” said a former online student.
Upon completion, students will have general knowledge of instrumentation and control for efficient operation of furnaces and ovens in process heating. The use of vacuum heat processing, recuperators, regenerators, gas atmospheres, and quenching will also be presented. Particular attention is spent on efficient operation of process heating equipment and methods to achieve cost savings. Students will also receive a certificate of completion and Professional Development Hours for completing the course.
IHEA’s online course is a terrific value for IHEA members and non-members, considering no travel expenses are involved, and there is no time out of the office. Take advantage of the online tools provided and benefit from the ability to learn almost anywhere.
“Because of balancing an extremely busy workload and family life, I am not able to be on a regular schedule or take time in the evening to travel to a class,” said a former online student. “The advantage for me is that I can check in when time permits and still stay up to date on all activities. The course information is directly related to my work and I found it to be very beneficial.”
Registration for the Fundamentals course is open through April 12 at www.ihea.org/event/FundamentalsSpring19. Cost for IHEA members is $750 for two-member vouchers, and non-members is $925, which includes electronic course handbook, course instruction, quizzes and projects, class forums, and the opportunity to contact the instructor. There is also a registration discount available for two or more from the same company. Printed materials are available for an additional fee.
Executive officers recognize value of IHEA
The Industrial Heating Equipment Association is one of the leading associations that represents major segments of the industrial heat processing equipment industry. Established to meet the need for effective group action in promoting the interest of industrial furnace manufacturers, the organization includes designers, manufacturers, corporate end users, professional service, and consulting members within the industrial heat processing industry.
IHEA is thankful to have the leadership of dedicated members. IHEA’s executive officers share the importance of the association’s work and its value to the thermal processing industry:
Michael Stowe, P.E., C.E.M., Advanced Energy
IHEA President
Stowe is an energy consultant at Advanced Energy. He is the IHEA Board of Directors president and has been involved with IHEA for more than a decade. He has been an invaluable member of IHEA’s education committee and served as the chairman of the Infrared Division and the Induction Division. Stowe has presented at countless workshops and seminars to promote infrared and induction technologies along with the benefit of being involved with IHEA.
In your time on the IHEA board, what do you think is IHEA’s most significant accomplishment?
Providing exceptional technical, economic, and leadership information -— as well as wonderful social networking opportunities — to our members, year after year.
What is your vision for IHEA moving forward?
I see IHEA as the central clearinghouse for all things about industrial heating. IHEA should be the leader in communicating heating technology development, sharing the state of the heating industry, ensuring the safety of heating equipment, and providing conferences and events for networking and education.
What advice would you give non-members about joining IHEA?
IHEA is all about heating. Whether it is a vacuum carburizing oven or an infrared powder coating curing oven, IHEA covers the spectrum of heating in manufacturing processes. IHEA members are oven and furnace equipment OEMs, electrical utilities, combustion burner manufacturers, various heating magazine publishers, and even energy consultants. The widely varied membership provides an excellent opportunity for networking and keeping up with the latest and greatest heating technology developments. IHEA membership provides access to exceptional training opportunities, heating-related national standards updates, up-to-date economic news, and thought leaders across the heating industry. I have made so many professional and personal contacts and new friends during my time with IHEA.
B.J. Bernard, Surface Combustion
IHEA Vice President
B.J. Bernard is the president of Surface Combustion, Inc., and the vice president of IHEA. As testimony of his dedication, he has made his way through the officer rotation twice and continues to provide significant support to the association in countless ways. His guidance in the board room carries through to the overall industry.
In your time on the IHEA board, what do you think is IHEA’s most significant accomplishment?
One of the core values of IHEA is education. We provide high quality training from industry experts at our Combustion, Induction and Safety Standards and Codes Seminars. We’ve also completely updated IHEA’s online course, Fundamentals of Process Heating.
What is your vision for IHEA moving forward?
I would like IHEA to continue to be a place where the industry gathers to push the industry forward by jointly improving technology and safety and providing training opportunities to our stakeholders.
What advice would you give non-members about joining IHEA?
For non-members, the relationships forged at IHEA will serve you well. Knowing and having a relationship with vendors, competitors, and customers gives you a broader view of the industry and gives insight into key issues that affect us all.
Don’t let another year pass without becoming an IHEA member. Join now and get a multitude of benefits right from the start. For more information, go to: www.ihea.org.
IHEA 2019 calendar of events
March 5–6
Powder Coating and Curing Processes Seminar: Georgia Power Customer Resource Center (CRC), Atlanta, Georgia
April 15
Fundamentals of Industrial Process Heating: On-Line Distance Learning Course (six weeks)
April 29–May 1
IHEA 2019 Annual Meeting: Lido Beach Resort, Sarasota, Florida
The Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) will celebrate its 90th anniversary at the 2019 Annual Meeting. Complete meeting details and registration information can be found at www.ihea.org.
For details on IHEA events, go to www.ihea.org/events