27th IFHTSE Congress, ECHT 2022 a success

Reinhold Schneider (past president of IFHTSE), chairman for the event, opens the conference. The current president, Prof. Masahiro Okumiya, and current past president, Eva Troell, are in attendance.

The 27th IFHTSE Congress and European Conference on Heat Treatment 2022 in Salzburg was very successful, with more than 100 papers in 16 sessions, with five keynote speakers. There were approximately 20 commercial booths. More than 250 people attended from all over the world.

Zoltan Kolozsvary, left, receives his award for honorary IFHTSE president. Award presented by D. Scott MacKenzie.
Prof. John Speer, center, Colorado School of Mines, receives the IFHTSE Medal. The award is sponsored by SC Plasmatherm SA, Romania. Reinhold Schneider, left, conference chair, Univ. of Appl. Sciences Upper Austria, and Eva Troell, right, RISE/ivf, Sweden.
At the symposium dedicated to the late researcher Sören Segerberg (IFHTSE Bulletin 2021-05), a commemorative plaque was given to his son Peter (right) by Eva Troell and Scott MacKenzie. The award was sponsored by Quaker Houghton.

5th International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering of Tools and Dies (HTSE-TD)

Hangzhou, China | April 24-27, 2023

This conference in Hangzhou, China, will finally resume the HTSE-TD series. The last meeting was in January 2021 and held online. The call for papers is posted at: htse-td.allconfs.org/meeting/index_en.asp?id=6861

Abstracts should be sent to Lihui LIU, chta@chta.org.cn.

Abstracts were due October 31, 2022, with full papers due January 31, 2023.


Genova, Italy | May 29-31,2023

AIM is pleased to announce the ECHT 2023 Conference in Genova, Italy, at Magazzini del Cotone, May 29-31, 2023.

ECHT 2023 will cover all relevant topics for the Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering community. The Conference will have a special focus on sustainability.

Sustainability, with its three pillars — environmental, economic, and social dimensions — is playing a key role in addressing ongoing and future challenges. The metallurgical and mechanical industries are leading the way in creating a healthy development model for the environment and for future generations. Presentations
and papers from industry, university. and research centers on the topic will encourage the discussion and increase awareness on
the matter.

Prospective authors wishing to present papers are invited to submit a tentative title and an abstract of about 300-400 words (in English), specifying a maximum of two topics for each proposal, by December 16, 2022.

More information: www.aimnet.it/echt2023.htm

28th IFHTSE Congress

Yokohama, Japan | November 13-16, 2023

The 28th IFHTSE Congress, to be held in Yokohama Japan, is sponsored by the Japanese Heat Treating Society.

Important dates:

  • Deadline of abstract submission: April 28, 2023.
  • Notification of acceptance: May 31, 2023.
  • Preliminary program release: June 30, 2023.
  • Deadline of extended abstract: July 14, 2023.
  • Deadline of early registration: July 31, 2023.
  • Deadline of full paper submission: September 22, 2023.

More information: jsht.or.jp/ifhtse2023/index.html

IFHTSE President Masahiro Okumiya, right, and IFHTSE Vice President Massimo Pellizzari, left, congratulate the Tom Bell Young Author Awardees.

For the first time: Two Tom Bell Young Author Awards

IFHTSE gives this award for the best paper presented at an IFHTSE Congress by a speaker younger than 35. It consists in free participation at the following Congress, including travel and accommodation. This time, two candidates were equally ranked, and the jury decided to give the award, for the first time, to both of these top candidates.

Simona Kresser of the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences in Wels, Austria, studied “The Effect of Cooling Rate on Quenching & Partitioning (Q&P) in Martensitic Stainless Steels.”

Pedro José de Castro of IWT, Bremen, Germany, presented a paper on an “Energy efficient manufacturing chain for advanced bainitic steels based on thermo-mechanical processing.”