93 years of helping heat treaters worldwide

Training seminars are taught by industry experts.

It’s hard to believe that an industry organization has been around for 93 years, but that’s how long the Industrial Heating Equipment Association has been serving the industry. While the association has certainly changed throughout the years, it still serves as a valuable connection between suppliers, customers, and government agencies. Here’s a little bit more on IHEA and the important mission it provides.

Who is IHEA?

Established in 1929, IHEA was started by a small group of industrial furnace manufacturers. Over the years, IHEA has grown to include an induction division and the infrared equipment division along with the original combustion division.

What is IHEA’s mission?

IHEA drives member success by providing the knowledge base and authoritative voice for industrial process heating worldwide. With our vast amount of expertise in all things related to process heating, IHEA members keep the industry informed and advancing. We believe by bringing together key executives who share our sense of responsibility, we improve our industry, and we enjoy being the catalyst for that improvement.

Why are associations important?

Associations foster a positive environment by which we educate and train those in our industry, continuously helping members and the industry improve their manufacturing operations related to thermal processing. Involvement in an industry association gives members a network for idea exchange, a voice in the development of industry standards both in the U.S. and globally, and a chance to both educate and be educated on a wide variety of thermal processing technologies.

IHEA committees & divisions meet several times each year.

What is IHEA’S structure?

We have a corporate membership structure, meaning that the company becomes a member and everyone within the company is entitled to membership benefits. For many years, IHEA’s membership was limited to industry suppliers. We launched an “end-user” membership category; the great thing about this category is that everyone at a company can take advantage of member discounts on IHEA’s training activities. The cost savings for sending two or three individuals from a company to IHEA seminars pays for the cost of membership. Dues vary based upon your membership category.

IHEA members are welcome and encouraged to participate on a committee or in a division. The association’s committee and divisional structure ensures that future, as well as immediate, concerns of members and others in the industry will receive attention by planning projects and establishing priorities based on changes and development as they emerge in the industry. IHEA has the following committees and divisions: Induction Division, Infrared Equipment Division (RED), Safety Standards and Codes Committee, Government Relations Committee, Education Committee, and Marketing Communication and Membership Committee.

What types of programs does IHEA offer?

IHEA offers a variety of training seminars and online learning courses as well as a plethora of resources that can be found on the website. Training seminars covering combustion, infrared, and safety standards and codes are offered yearly. IHEA’s fall seminars also typically include a tabletop exhibition that allows seminar attendees the opportunity to visit and meet with industry suppliers alongside our seminars.

IHEA’s online training courses are offered several times each year. The Fundamentals of Industrial Process Heating is normally offered each spring and fall. The Advanced Industrial Process Heating course is currently under revision, with a planned launch in the fall of 2022.

Finally, IHEA’s Annual Meeting, held each spring, gives members a chance to connect in an informal atmosphere that includes high quality presentations, social activities, IHEA committee meetings, and our annual President’s Reception.

Networking at IHEA events is key to the success of the industry.

What else does IHEA do?

IHEA is also active in government relations to ensure our members are informed about government issues that affect our industry. Over the years, we’ve worked closely with the Department of Energy (DOE), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). Involvement with these organizations that affect our industry is vital to ensure our member companies’ voices are represented.

IHEA also maintains a close relationship with the European Committee of Industrial Furnace & Heating Equipment Associations (CECOF) and the Japan Industrial Furnace Manufacturers Association (JIFMA). Additionally, IHEA has coordinated a resource center at two previous ThermProcess shows in Dusseldorf, Germany, to support members wishing to exhibit at the show.

If you are not a member, consider joining as we continue to serve our industry. For more information on IHEA, visit www.ihea.org.

Calendar of Events

February 15–16
Powder Coating & Curing Processes Seminar

The day and a half Introduction to Powder Coating & Curing Processes Seminar will include classroom instruction and hands-on lab demonstrations.

Alabama Power Technology Applications Center | Calera, Alabama

Registration Fee: IHEA members: $325 / Non-members:  $425

March 14–17
Electrification 2022 International Conference & Exposition

This event will share what’s new in the electrification of buildings, vehicles and industry. Spend time with your colleagues and explore efficient, equitable solutions for a net-zero economy.

Charlotte Convention Center | Charlotte, North Carolina

March 24–28
IHEA 2022 Annual Meeting

IHEA’s 92nd Annual Meeting will be held on Royal Caribbean’s Brilliance of the Seas, sailing from Tampa, Florida. In addition to IHEA’s committee meetings, business presentations and networking opportunities, the itinerary includes a day to enjoy Costa Maya, Mexico. 

For details on IHEA events, go to www.ihea.org/events