Linde launches low-carbon gases product line


Linde announced the launch of Linde Green, a new product line of atmospheric gases produced with 100 percent renewable energy.

The Linde Green portfolio includes low-carbon liquified oxygen, nitrogen, and argon. Instead of using conventional power during the energy-intensive air separation process, Linde will be solely using certified carbon-free sources, such as wind, hydro-electric, and solar, at select locations in Europe and in the United States.

“Linde is proud to offer an atmospheric product line of industrial gases produced with zero-carbon electricity that will help our customers improve the environmental footprint of their supply chains,” said Andrew Sarantapoulas, anagement. “Furthermore, finding new opportunities to integrate renewable energy into our production processes accelerates Linde’s efforts to lower its greenhouse gas emissions significantly by 2028.”

Linde has recently signed an agreement with Plug Power to supply industrial gases produced with carbon free electricity.

“Plug Power is excited to be one of Linde’s first customers for low-carbon nitrogen produced with carbon-free energy,” said Sanjay Shrestha, CSO at Plug Power. “Linde’s nitrogen produced with carbon-free energy complements our efforts to support the clean hydrogen economy and its availability was a major factor in choosing a supplier.”

Over a third of all electrical energy procured by Linde, on a global basis, is sourced from low-carbon and renewable power.