Sunday, September 15, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Frederick Diekman

Frederick Diekman

Frederick J. (Rick) Diekman is president of Controlled Thermal Processing, Inc. He graduated from Iowa State University in 1972 with a degree in engineering. He has worked in both the plastics industry and the wear resistance industry. He has worked in wear and failure resistance projects for entities such as Ford Motor Company, General Motors, American Motors, Cummins Diesel, Fel-Pro, Rubbermaid, Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute, the U.S. Arms Aviation and Missile command, Honeywell, and others on wear and failure resistance of both tooling and products. He became active in the field of Deep Cryogenic Treatment in the mid 1990s. He was founder and chair of the ASM Cryogenic Processing Sub Committee, taught an ASM course on Deep Cryogenic Treatment, lectured on DCT at ASM functions, and has written multiple articles for ASM. He wrote the definition of DCT for ASM’s Handbook 4A. He was instrumental in the formation of the Cryogenic Society of America’s data base on research articles in the field.