Major conferences planned for 2023

The ECHT 2023 Conference will be in Genova, Italy, at Magazzini del Cotone in May 2023. (Courtsey: Shutterstock)

5th International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering of Tools and Dies (HTSE-TD)

Hangzhou, China | April 24-27, 2023

This conference in Hangzhou, China, will finally resume the HTSE-TD series. The last meeting was in January 2021 and held online. The call for papers is posted at: The due date for abstracts has been extended to January 31, 2023.

Abstracts should be sent to Lihui LIU,


Genova, Italy | May 29-31, 2023

AIM recently announced the ECHT 2023 Conference will be in Genova, Italy, at Magazzini del Cotone, May 29-31, 2023. 

ECHT 2023 will cover all relevant topics for the heat treatment and surface engineering community. The conference will include a special focus on sustainability.

Sustainability, with its three pillars — environmental, economic, and social dimensions — is playing a key role to address ongoing and future challenges. The metallurgical and mechanical industries are leading the way in creating a healthy development model for the environment and for future generations. Presentations and papers from industry, university, and research centers on the topic will encourage the discussion and increase awareness on the matter.

More info:

The 5th International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering of Tools and Dies will be in beautiful Hangzhou, China, in April 2023.

Heat Treat 2023

Detroit, Michigan | October 17-19, 2023

This event will be co-located with IMAT 2023 in Detroit and cover many topics of interest.  Abstracts are due February 17, 2023. If an abstract is accepted into the Heat Treat 2023 technical program, the author will be encouraged to submit a full manuscript (6-8 pages) by the deadline date. Complimentary full conference registration will be offered to authors (presenting author only) who submit a full manuscript for the proceedings.

Spotlight on Members


Meduna vakuová kalírna s.r.o. is a heat-treating business in the Czech Republic. Founded in 1999 by Miroslav Meduna, Meduna provides heat-treatment services such as consulting on the proper heat treatment of metallic materials, metallographic analysis, and various heat-treating techniques, including salt, oil, and vacuum quenching. It also provides various carburizing techniques such as low-pressure carburizing, nitriding, and nitrocarburizing. Its priorities are high quality of provided services, short lead times, and social responsibility.

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