Ipsen USA continues improving the Ipsen Customer Service (ICS) parts department, expanding staff and implementing strategic initiatives to meet a growing demand.
Christina Connelly, parts manager for Ipsen in Cherry Valley, joined the team in 2022, and has since hired six additional employees. Between veteran team members and new hires with strong technical backgrounds, Connelly and her team are focused on reducing turnaround time and increasing customer responsiveness.
“We had outgrown our existing structure as our organization has evolved, so we had to reimagine what our parts team needed to look like, operationally,” Connelly said.
Ipsen’s ICS Parts Team held an internal Kaizen event — a review of the processes used to complete customer orders and answer requests — and looked for immediate changes that would reduce delays, increase responsiveness, and allow for continuous process improvements. One place where the ICS parts team saw an immediate opportunity to reduce turnaround time came from asking the customers the right questions, right away.
“We started asking certain customers to fill out a detailed request form,” Connelly said. “We wanted to see if we could turn a request into a quote sooner.” By collaborating with users of the Ipsen Connect online customer portal, Connelly’s team has gained better insight into this process and what information is most useful.
Automation, trend analysis, and artificial intelligence also offer hope for current and future solutions to ensure customer satisfaction. A centralized email system handles parts orders with a single point of contact. AI- powered customer service software automates phone order tracking, seamlessly integrating with sales platforms and managing case assignments. And Ipsen’s commitment to developing digitized machine learning solutions for customers and internal sales specialists is being led by Ipsen’s vice president of Digital Technologies, Aymeric Goldsteinas.
“Ipsen is looking at ways to continue to support our customers and be better partners,” Connelly said. “There’s no shortage of work behind the scenes to search for improvements and ways to be a better resource for our customers.”
MORE INFO www.ipsenglobal.com