IHEA announces 2022-23 board of directors and officers

The 2022-23 IHEA Board of Directors: Back row, left to right; Brian Kelly, Scott Bishop, Gary Berwick, and Jason Safarz. Front row, left to right; Ben Garbarre, John Stanley, Jeff Valuck, and Jeff Rafter. Not pictured: Alberto Cantu, Bob Fincken, Doug Glenn, Francis Liebens, John Podach and Michael Stowe. (Courtesy: IHEA)

The Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) recently announced its 2022-23 board of directors and executive officers. Serving as president is Jeff Valuck of Surface Combustion, Inc.; vice president is Brian Kelly of Honeywell Thermal Solutions, and treasurer is Jeff Rafter of Selas Heat Technology Co. LLC. Scott Bishop of Alabama Power — a Southern Company assumes the past-president position.

IHEA President Jeff Valuck has been an active IHEA member for nearly a decade and has served as the Government Relations Committee chair for many of those years.

When asked what goals he has for IHEA, Valuck said he plans to focus on “working on a strategic sustainability plan that puts IHEA in the forefront of emerging trends that are impacting our industry and gaining increasing interest from customers, governments, shareholders, and even employees.”

“I also look forward to increasing IHEA membership in all categories to give a greater fundamental 10,000-foot view of the industry,” he said.

IHEA also welcomes a new face to the board of directors — Ben Gasbarre. Gasbarre is the executive vice president of Sales & Marketing for Gasbarre Thermal Processing Systems. Gasbarre has been involved in the sales, engineering, and manufacturing of thermal-processing equipment for nearly 15 years. He received his management and economics degree from Penn State University and his MBA from the University of Michigan. Gasbarre Thermal Processing Systems provides thermal-processing equipment solutions for both atmosphere and vacuum furnace applications, as well as associated auxiliary equipment, and aftermarket parts and service.

“Being a part of the associations that drive the industries we serve forward has always been a core value of Gasbarre and our leadership,” Gasbarre said. “I look forward to joining the IHEA board of directors and supporting the efforts that ultimately lead to improvements not only for member companies, but for the end users in our industries as well.”

To complete the board of directors for 2022-2023, the following members continue their service: Gary Berwick, Dry Coolers; Alberto Cantu, Nutec Bickley; Bob Fincken, Super Systems, Inc.; Doug Glenn, Heat Treat Today; Francis Liebens, SOLO Swiss Group; John Podach, Fostoria Infrared; Jason Safarz, Karl Dungs, Inc.; Michael Stowe, Advanced Energy; and John Stanley, Karl Dungs, Inc.

In addition, IHEA is equally pleased to note the dedication and service of all members who serve on IHEA Committees and Divisions. Special appreciation goes to our current committee chairpersons: Government Relations Committee led by Jeff Valuck, Surface Combustion, Inc.; Safety Standards and Codes Committee led by Jason Safarz, Karl Dungs, Inc.; Education Committee led by Brian Kelly, Honeywell Thermal Solutions; Marketing Communication & Membership Committee led by Erik Klingerman, Industrial Heating Magazine. The Infrared Division is chaired by Scott Bishop, Alabama Power — a Southern Company; and the Induction Division is chaired by Michael Stowe, Advanced Energy.

Learn from the best: Join IHEA. Visit www.ihea.org for more information and membership application.

Established in 1929 to meet the need for effective group action in promoting the interests of industrial furnace manufacturers, IHEA has expanded and includes designers and manufacturers of all types of industrial heat-processing equipment used for the melting, refining, and heat processing of ferrous and nonferrous metals and certain nonmetallic materials and heat-treatment of products made from them.

IHEA 2022 Calendar of Events

September 20–21
Powder Coating & Curing Processes Seminar
AR Iron LLC | Henderson, Nevada

October 3–4
IHEA Combustion Seminar
Indiana Convention Center | Indianapolis, Indiana

Long the industry premier seminar for industrial process heating professionals, this two-day event offers attendees the chance to learn the latest in combustion technology and visit with industry suppliers.

October 24
Fundamentals of Industrial Process Heating Online Course

Six-week online distance learning course is designed to give the student a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of heat transfer within an industrial furnace and the associated losses and the operation of a heating source either as fuel combustion or electricity.

For details on IHEA events, go to www.ihea.org/events