Ipsen builds custom furnace that quenches with 1,000 HP


Ipsen recently designed and built a vertical, high-pressure quenching furnace, complete with twin cooling systems and a work volume of 350 cubic feet. During the testing phase, the furnace quenched with 1,000 horsepower (0.75 megawatts) – a remarkable achievement that began as an idea just months prior.

As is typical with a custom build, the customer came to Ipsen with specific requirements: They needed a large furnace with a very aggressive cooling rate. During the design phase, Ipsen’s engineering team determined that twin cooling systems to provide 1,000 horsepower quenching capability was the right solution due to the customer’s process requirements and the geometry and cross-section of parts.

Ipsen engineers, alongside the customer, looked on during the testing phase. “We saw the furnace backfill and then go into quench,” said Craig Moller, chief engineer. “It took us a minute to realize we were experiencing a ground-breaking design and test, with cooling curves that we’ve never seen for a furnace of this size.”

Ipsen excels at engineering and manufacturing innovative, highly technical thermal processing systems for unique or special applications. The opportunity to create custom solutions allows Ipsen to continue advancing technology and grow its portfolio of product offerings. Whether you require custom equipment for your unique process requirement or a standard, dependable furnace with versatility, Ipsen has a solution for you.

MORE INFORMATION  www.ipsenusa.com