Wisconsin Oven ships batch oven to aerospace industry

The gas-fired batch oven has temperature uniformity of ±5°F at 150°, 250°, 350°, and 450°F. (Courtesy: Wisconsin Oven)

Wisconsin Oven Corporation shipped one indirect natural gas-fired batch oven to a manufacturer in the aerospace industry. The oven will be used to cure composite materials.

The batch oven has a maximum oven operating temperature of 500°F, work chamber dimensions of 10’ wide x 16’ long x 8’ high, and work zone dimensions of 8’ wide x 14’ long x 6’ high. Guaranteed temperature uniformity of ±5°F at set points 150°, 250°, 350°, and 450°F was documented with a 36-point temperature uniformity test in an empty oven chamber under static operating conditions.

This composite curing oven has sufficient capacity to cool 440 pounds of steel and 360 pounds of composite materials from 300° to 150°F at an average rate of 5°F per minute. It also has the capacity to heat 440 pounds of steel and 360 pounds of composite materials from 130° to 300°F at an average rate of 5°F per minute. The air will be supplied to the work chamber through ductwork located along the length and on each side of the work chamber, near the bottom of the chamber, to assure that the air passes past the product on the way back to the heater house. This will maximize heating rates and temperature uniformity of the product.

 “A complete turn-key installation package was also included with this composite curing oven. This package helps our customers with unloading and reassembly/rewiring of components that are often removed during the shipping process,” said Jim Lucas, senior sales engineer.

Features of this curing oven include:

  • Temperature uniformity of ±5°F at 150°, 250°, 350°, and 450°F.
  • 10,000 CFM @ 5 HP with VFD.
  • Honeywell Model 7800 flame relay with integral purge timer and burner controls.
  • 46,000 CFM plug-mounted recirculation blower.
  • One vertical lift, electrically operated door.
  • WOC Premium Control System (PLC controlled).
  • Turn-key installation. 

FOR MORE  www.wisoven.com