Thermcraft offers industrial drying ovens for pharmaceuticals


The industrial drying oven is a medium-sized mechanism which is commonly geared towards batch processing jobs.

The features and controls vary depending on the individual requirements of a particular process. Thermcraft’s extensive and diverse line of industrial drying ovens is distinctive in its design with a standard 3-stage operating system:

  1. The sample is placed into the oven compartment where it is heated at a regulated temperature to dry it out.
  2. The sample is suspended in this sustained thermal environment to bake it.
  3. The leftover heat is extracted through a ventilation system and cool air is let in to prevent the reabsorption of any remaining moisture.

The benefits of a Thermcraft industrial drying oven are two-fold. Although they do an expert job of heating the matter placed inside, simultaneously, they also dry and systematically draw-out all of the moisture contained within.

The industrial drying oven is a medium-sized mechanism which is commonly geared towards batch processing jobs. (Courtesy: Thermcraft)

The thermal heating properties of our industrial drying oven technology is second to none. The drying oven’s propensity to dry and heat in parallel suits our customers through an increase in potential output and overall productivity.

In reality, pharmaceutical products and scientific research laboratories simply wouldn’t exist and couldn’t function without at least one drying oven on the premises. Thermcraft’s heavily regulated and expertly manufactured industrial drying ovens are a necessity for the clean and conscientious running of lab-based experiments.

Thermcraft’s range of high-powered drying ovens offers the most reliable, cost-effective way to maintain contaminant-free testing conditions through the simple exposure to thermal processing.

The pharmaceutical industry isn’t the only sector that has grown dependent on Thermcraft’s industrial drying ovens. Major industrial, commercial and construction companies have a regular need for our products and services. However, the needs of the pharmaceuticals developers are much more specific.

The intense heating and drying services that Thermcraft drying ovens can provide are a key element of many experimental sterilization procedures. The retraction and absolute removal of all moisture emitting materials such as steam and condensation vastly reduce the capacity for parasites and germs to survive and thrive undetected.

Dry conditions are widely acknowledged to be highly conducive to the creation of a controlled and clean test environment.

For effective incubation to occur from the outset to the safe and successful conclusion, the constant monitoring and regulation of the atmospheric conditions involved are of paramount importance.

The multiple functions and superior controls of the latest industrial drying oven models make them the consummate solution to the incubation of any chemical compound where internal heat emission levels and temperatures must be pre-determined and set.

*This post appeared first on Thermcraft Incorporated.