Q&A with Tim Donofrio

VP of Sales at Can-Eng Furnaces


Can-Eng Furnaces was recently awarded two contracts for its high-capacity line of mesh belt fastener heat treatment systems. What made this system ideal for the company that needed them?

What makes the Can-Eng mesh-belt technology well-suited for this manufacturer of critical mobility market vehicle fasteners is its ability to provide a wide range of product size capability. So essentially, this manufacturer can use one furnace to process a very wide range of parts, where in some cases, competitors’ designs would not be capable of processing the same range of products at capacity.

What that does, of course, is provide the user with greater processing capability from one system, which reduces the need for multiple heat-treating systems and reduces overall capital costs.

What kind of features does this system include?

For our high-capacity mesh-belt heat-treatment systems, the primary feature is our unique mesh-belt conveyance technology that provides soft handling features at high processing capacities. In addition, well-engineered transitions between each individual process allow the user to process parts with very low inertia transfer between the process steps, which is crucial in protecting these parts from damage, but it also reduces the opportunity for potential part mixing or catch points.

These systems incorporate unique heating designs that combine energy-saving features that include recuperation of waste exhaust gases to not only pre-heat the product prior to quench hardening, but also supply heat energy for part washing systems.

Can-Eng Mesh Belt Heat Treatment systems incorporate in-line rotary part washers and phosphate removal systems prior to quench hardening. And in addition, they  incorporate our Process Enhancement Technology (PET™), which provides real time product tracking, critical processing parameters data collection and trending, as well as final material property testing data acquisition, all in compliance with CQI-9 requirements.

Are these features unique when compared to other systems available?

Yes, the conveyance system, which is featured by Can-Eng’s dual drive design technology, allows the system to operate at capacities where others would not be capable of doing so.

What is the Process Enhancement Technology – PET™ System, and how can it aid with production?

Process Enhancement Technology – PET™ is a Can-Eng-developed application that provides the user with a well-organized window into the process. It provides complete product tracking throughout the entire process and various critical processing parameters. The system collects and trends all critical process data assigned to each individual product lot for subsequent tracking purposes. PET™ is an interface for monitoring the product being processed and  historical trending of all critical process data as well as alarm trending.

How will this system give the company that acquired them an edge over its competitors?

First and foremost, Can-Eng Mesh Belt Heat Treatment systems provide for improved product quality. With our unique heating and quenching systems and tempering uniformity, Can-Eng Mesh Belt Heat Treating systems can control product quality to very tight mechanical property ranges. In addition to that, the system is capable of processing an extremely wide range of products, which provides processing flexibility, which is paramount in today’s marketplace. Through the combination of these benefits, the Can-Eng Mesh Belt Heat Treatment system will provide the customer with the lowest cost of ownership.

In what ways will this contract for the heat-treat systems aid in increasing Can-Eng’s supply base?

This recent project is a continuation of earlier activity and relationship building that dates back to 2013 with one of the largest fastener manufacturers in the world. These contracts represent a continued focus on and success in penetration into the European market, which traditionally has been serviced by European-based suppliers of cast link belt furnaces.

MORE INFOwww.can-eng.com