Dante Solutions releases VCarb and GCarb updates

Dante Solutions, Inc. updated the VCarb and GCarb utilities, which can be used for recipe design and predicting given carburization recipes for vacuum carburization (VCarb) and gas carburization (GCarb) processes. (Courtesy: Dante Solutions, Inc.)

Dante Solutions, Inc. updated the VCarb and GCarb utilities, which can be used for recipe design and predicting given carburization recipes for vacuum carburization (VCarb) and gas carburization (GCarb) processes.

The most notable update includes the ability to use the Dante material database for design and analysis. This change allows the user to use one of the many materials already defined in the Dante database, or any user-defined materials that have been developed, further expanding the capabilities of Dante analysis.

Using the Dante material database opens the ability to use the carbide formation and dissolution models present in the full Dante package, which are paramount in high-carbon gradient processes such as vacuum carburization.

Another important inclusion is the addition of the geometry tab, which allows the user to better define an inside (concave) or outside (convex) curvature to the point being analyzed, which will alter the profile and concentrations of carbon in the case.

Lastly, in VCarb, a load surface area input was added to help predict the amount of carburization gasses consumed by the parts in the furnace. Coupled with gas and furnace efficiencies in the controls tab, the user can estimate the amount of gas used by the process and apply that to costs for accounting purposes.

MORE INFO  www.dante-solutions.com