Ipsen Congratulates February Grads of Ipsen U


The first Ipsen U class of the year, held in February, was a huge success for attendees. Sixteen attendees completed the course, including individuals who traveled from all over the globe to glean information from Ipsen’s experts. Students came from all over the world!

During the class, instructors not only presented information, but also offered visual, hands-on experiences for the attendees. One highlight from this Ipsen U was a hands-on, leak testing exercise. Several leaks were pre-established and a volunteer worked his way around a furnace to find them. This was a great learning experience particularly for those expecting new furnace shipments.

Ipsen U addresses all levels of experience in an open-forum environment that encourages attendees to ask questions about specific equipment and processes. The class follows a modular format that allows participants to interact with several Ipsen experts. Ipsen U allows customers direct access to information that transfers furnace maintenance and upkeep into their own hands.

For more information, visit www.ipsenusa.com.