Ecoclean brings parts cleaning experts to FABTECH

For energy-efficient and fast cleaning processes, Ecoclean’s machines have effective heat recovery and can be equipped with different process technologies. (Courtesy: Ecoclean GmbH)

At FABTECH in Orlando October 15-17, Ecoclean will provide information about its trendsetting product portfolio for solvent and water-based cleaning of parts.

Parts cleaning and degreasing significantly contribute to high quality manufacturing processes and products and add considerable value. Therefore, manufacturing and contract cleaning companies are confronted not only with more stringent particulate und surface tension cleanliness specifications, but also with higher demands regarding energy efficiency and stricter environmental regulations. Ecoclean  is optimally tailored to fulfill a broad range of cleaning applications with to cleanliness, economic efficiency and sustainability.

Regardless of the industry sector, components need to be cleaned and degreased to ensure the quality of subsequent processes as well as long-term flawless functioning. And this is independent of the production technology and the material from which the parts are manufactured. Moreover, due to new and modified products, increasingly compact and complex geometries, an ever-greater variety of materials, and workpiece dimensions as well as evolving manufacturing, coating and bonding technologies, specifications for particulate and surface tension cleanliness are increasing. These more stringent requirements must not only be met in a repeatable manner, but also bring energy- and resource-saving and cost-efficiencies while in accordance with stricter climate protection targets.

As a full-range supplier of future-oriented, flexible, and energy-efficient solutions for industrial component cleaning, Ecoclean and UCM, the Group’s division specializing in precision and ultra-fine cleaning, cover the entire spectrum of wet-chemical processes.

At FABTECH, Ecoclean company will be providing information about its trendsetting product portfolio at Booth # W2310. This includes a broad range of standardized chamber systems for cleaning with water-based media, solvents, and modified alcohols, as well as a wide variety of process technologies. It covers most cleaning tasks in the general industries as well as the automotive and supplier sectors. For applications that require individually designed special equipment, for example due to component dimensions, throughput requirements, cleanliness specifications or other company-specific factors, the equipment manufacturer has developed innovative modular systems for water-based cleaning and for cleaning with solvents or modified alcohol.

These engineered machine concepts reduce the design effort required, shorten delivery times, and reduce costs. As a result, cleaning processes and systems, including the most suitable process and drying technologies for both batch and individual part cleaning, can be tailored very effectively to product and company-specific requirements. In addition, all solvent based cleaning and degreasing systems are fully enclosed and carrying the fluid in a closed loop circuit.