IHEA educates the industry in person, online


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Fundamentals of Industrial Process Heating
Winter Online Course
January 25–March 7, 2021

IHEA’s Fundamentals of Industrial Process Heating Online Learning Course has been a successful source of high-level learning to those in the industrial heat processing industry for more than 10 years. Registration for the 2021 winter course is now open and, for the past few years, the course has sold out, so early registration is encouraged. Scheduled to begin January 25, the six-week class will run through March 7. The flexible online format and interactive forums with other students, along with scheduled office hours with the instructor, are just a few of the benefits of this program.

The course is ideal for students to learn in a virtual format while at home or in the office. It is affordable and allows students to go at their own pace. The course offers indispensable tools to industrial process heating operators and users of all types of industrial heating equipment. Throughout the in-depth online course, students learn safe, efficient operation of industrial heating equipment, how to reduce energy consumption, and ways to improve the bottom-line. The course content provides an excellent overview of the essential areas used throughout the industry.

The curriculum includes the basics of heat transfer, fuels and combustion, energy use, furnace design, refractories, automatic control, and atmospheres as applied to industrial process heating. Weekly coursework, quizzes, and a final exam project are administered to guide students on their progress and evaluate their knowledge of the material. For a complete listing of the topics covered, visit www.ihea.org/event/FundamentalsWinter21.

This online course is a terrific value for IHEA members and non-members alike, considering no travel expenses are involved and there is no time out of the office.

A former online student said, “Because of balancing an extremely busy workload and family life, I am not able to be on a regular schedule or take time in the evening to travel to a class. The advantage for me is that I can check in when time permits and still stay current on all activities. The course information is directly related to my work, and I found it to be very beneficial.”

Registration for the Fundamentals course is open now through January 18, 2021, at www.ihea.org/event/FundamentalsWinter21. Cost for IHEA members is $750 or one member voucher, and cost for non-members is $925, which includes an electronic course handbook, course instruction, quizzes and projects, class forums, and the opportunity to contact the instructor throughout the course. Printed materials are available for an additional fee.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) offered its Fall Seminars through a virtual platform in 2020.

Successful Virtual Seminars

This year, the Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) offered its Fall Seminars through a virtual platform. With the assistance of speakers from member companies, they conducted the Combustion Seminar and Safety Standards and Codes Seminar for three days each in mid-November. The seminar agendas were pared down to offer sessions that would fit best in a virtual training format. Speakers revised their presentations and adapted to the virtual program almost seamlessly. IHEA offered each seminar over a three-day period during consecutive weeks to allow attendees the option to register for both seminars, and it was a great success.

Both seminars had more than 30 attendees, and speakers were available online to field questions after the presentations. The overall feedback for the seminars was terrific. Although everyone agrees we would rather hold in-person events, the comments reflect great appreciation for the virtual training. IHEA is happy to continue to provide educational support to the industry, no matter how it’s delivered.

The Infrared Equipment Division of IHEA (IRED) partnered with the Chemical Coaters Association International for a successful (and safe) event at the Alabama Power Company in October.

Infrared Heats Up Alabama

The Infrared Equipment Division of IHEA (IRED) partnered with the Chemical Coaters Association International for a successful (and safe) event at the Alabama Power Company in October. Masked up and socially distant, attendees spent a day and a half with industry experts learning everything from pretreatment and powder materials to curing processes and testing equipment for powder coating. Attendees enjoyed the live demonstrations and time in the lab, powder coating and curing a part up close and personal. Instructors were on hand throughout the seminar to guide attendees and answer questions. It was great to have in-person training again.

Overall ratings for the seminar were excellent.

Attendee comments included:

“All speakers were very knowledgeable. Covered a wide variety of topics and made very good connections — that was one of the most helpful parts of the seminar.”

“Great range of topics. Speakers were very personable and informative.”

“Very detailed speakers, very useful information for all levels. I will be returning to the next one with more members of our team.”

IHEA 2021 Calendar of Events

January 25–March 7
Fundamentals of Industrial Process Heating
6-week online course beginning January 25, 2021

This course is designed to give the student a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of heat transfer within an industrial furnace and the associated losses and the operation of a heating source either as fuel combustion or electricity. All concepts are derived mathematically with limited use of “rules of thumb.”

For details on IHEA events, go to www.ihea.org/events