Salzburg conference to commemorate IFHTSE’s 50th year

Salzburg, Austria will be the site of the 27th IFHTSE Congress in September 2022.

The 27th IFHTSE Congress will be in Salzburg, Austria, September 5-8, 2022. This is going to be a very special event, as it will also commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of IFHTSE. Special guests are planned to talk about the history of IFHTSE and the interesting cold-war history that accompanied the founding of IFHTSE, as a way of bringing East and West together to speak the common language of heat treatment.

The special emphasis will be on Heat Treatment in Steel Processing, and will be in conjunction with the European Conference on Heat Treatment (ECHT).

Spotlight on Member Organizations

IFHTSE is a federation of organizations, not individuals. There are three groups of members: scientific or technical societies and associations, universities and registered research institutes, and companies.

In this segment, we will highlight our members. This month, we highlight AWT (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik e.V.).

AWT is the German heat-treating society. For 60 years, the AWT has stood for communication and knowledge that deals with heat treatment and material engineering. The AWT, first and foremost, promotes the transfer of knowledge and cooperative exchange of ideas between research and industry. To this purpose, the AWT initiates its own research projects and sets the standards throughout Europe by holding professional technical congresses. It is also the publisher of the prestigious HTM — Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials. They have more than 550 individual members, and more than 350 corporate members.

Members in the News

The 50th IFHTSE Governing Council Assembly recently was held online. One of the functions of this board is the election of all office holders in the Federation. The new officers include:

Massimo Pellizzari

Massimo Pellizzari was elected vice president for 2022 and 2023. He will subsequently take the roles of president and past president. He is professor of metallurgy at the University of Trento (Italy) and has been a member of the IFHTSE Executive Committee since 2015. He is a member of the technical committee for Heat Treatments and Metallography of our Italian member association AIM.

Jianfeng Gu

Jianfeng Gu was elected as a new executive committee member. He is professor and director of the Institute of Materials Modification and Modeling in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Bernard Kuntzmann

Bernard Kuntzmann was elected as a new executive committee member. Since 2015, he has served as auditor for IFHTSE’s accounts. He is managing director and technical director at Listemann AG in Switzerland and president of IFHTSE’s Swiss member association SVW.

Mufu Yan

Mufu Yan was elected as a new executive committee member. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Harbin Institute of Technology in China. He also holds important functions in both Chinese member associations: vice president of CHTA and vice chairman of CHTS.

Rob Goldstein

Rob Goldstein was elected as one of IFHTSE’s two new auditors. He is executive director of Strategic Planning and Product Development at member Fluxtrol, Inc. of Auburn Hills, Michigan, and AMF Lifesystems, LLC. He has held several leadership positions in IFHTSE’s American member association ASM Heat Treating Society.

Filip Vráblik

Filip Vráblik was also elected as auditor. He is executive director of Ecosond Ltd. of Prague, Czech Republic. He is the president of member association ATZK in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Calendar of events

Due to the pandemic, many conferences planned for 2021 have either been delayed or canceled. Please watch this space for updates on current conference planning.

September 5–9
6th International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks
Milan, Italy |

September 8–10
4th Mediterranean Conference on HTSE
Istanbul, Turkey |

September 13–16
ASM International Materials Applications & Technologies
St. Louis, MO, USA |

September 29–October 1
14th HTS International Exhibition and Conference
Mumbai, India |

October 26–28
HK 2021
HK is the largest materials technology industry meeting in Europe
Cologne, Germany |

April 2022
12th Tooling Conference & Exhibition (Tooling 2022)
Örebro, Sweden

September 2022
27th IFHTSE Congress / European Conference on Heat Treatment
Salzburg, Austria

April 2023
5th International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering of Tools and Dies
Liangzhu Dream Town, Hangzhou, China

November 13-16, 2023
28th IFHTSE Congress
Yokohama, Japan