Reymak Makine As works toward eco-friendly heat treating

To achieve its objectives, Reymak Makine As selected a Nitrex turnkey nitriding/nitrocarburizing system, specifically the compact model NXK-812, equipped with advanced process technologies.(Courtesy: Nitrex)

Reymak Makine Aş, a leading component supplier to manufacturers of converting and CNC machinery, has embarked on a journey to enhance manufacturing quality while reducing its environmental impact.

The company has successfully integrated an eco-friendly Nitrex nitriding/nitrocarburizing system into its facility in Manisa, Türkiye. This strategic move aims to internalize heat-treating operations and advance the sustainability of its tooling components.

Reymak’s diverse product range includes an array of converting tools and CNC components, ranging from friction shafts/rings to reel cones, core chucks, and safety chucks. These components play a pivotal role in the packaging industry by ensuring precise alignment and tension of materials such as paper, film, foil, labels, textiles, and more. They effectively prevent the occurrence of loose or soft rolls that could otherwise compromise product quality. Safety chucks, on the other hand, are specialized clamp devices designed for CNC and turning machinery, ensuring precision and accuracy in machining operations.

Recognizing the drawbacks of electroless nickel plating, Reymak set out to enhance the quality, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of its manufacturing operations. To achieve these objectives, the company selected a Nitrex turnkey nitriding/nitrocarburizing system, specifically the compact model NXK-812, equipped with advanced process technologies. These technologies include Nitreg® controlled nitriding, Nitreg®-C controlled nitrocarburizing, and ONC® post-oxidation, offering several benefits such as improved surface characteristics that enhance wear and corrosion resistance. These enhancements not only ensure consistent winding tension and secure gripping but also increase overall equipment reliability, reduce maintenance requirements, and lower replacement costs.

“We take great pride in contributing to Reymak Makine Aş’s journey towards achieving sustainability in their manufacturing,” said Marcin Stoklosa, project manager at Nitrex. “Our primary focus is on ensuring that tooling components are treated to perfection, allowing Reymak’s customers to enjoy precise winding rolls and accurately machined parts while reducing the environmental impact of their manufacturing. Our installation is an integral part of their broader investment project, which includes expanding production to incorporate CNC machinery, drilling machines, and more. It’s exciting to witness their growth and our role in it.”

“Nitrex technologies and solutions are pushing the boundaries of nitriding/nitrocarburizing and sustainable manufacturing, ushering in new possibilities for enhancing a wider range of components across diverse applications right here in Türkiye,” said Utku Inan, Nitrex’s local representative. “Our partnership with Reymak underscores the success of strong collaborations and our commitment to innovation in the tooling industry. It also demonstrates that by embracing sustainable innovations in its in-house heat treatment, Reymak is not only enhancing quality control but also streamlining logistics for faster lead times and cost savings ­– a genuine win-win scenario.”