Ipsen U Graduates: Filling the Gap between Knowledge and Direct Application


Ipsen bids adieu to our June class of Ipsen U graduates and wishes them all the best in their future heat-treatment and furnace applications. However, it’s back to the books in August with another Ipsen U course that is almost at capacity. Our October session, which is the last Ipsen U class of 2014, remains open with a few available spots.

Participants in the June Ipsen U course came from across the country, including Missouri, Ohio, South Carolina and Wisconsin. Reflecting on the class, participants found that “everyone did a great job of getting a large amount of information to us in a short period of time.” Others found the class successfully addressed the areas they were most concerned about, stating “I was very happy to further my knowledge of our TITAN vacuum furnace.” Another attendee said, “The sections dealing with the mechanical systems of the furnace were some of the most helpful for me.”

Throughout the course, the instructors cover an extensive range of topics, from an introduction to vacuum furnaces and heat treating to furnace subsystems, leak detection, maintenance and so much more. Most notable about Ipsen U is participants’ ability to bring up any topic pertaining to their specific vacuum furnace operation for discussion. This allows for some fluidity and permits the instructors to shape the course to individuals’ specific needs and concerns.

Ipsen also offers companies the opportunity to host an Ipsen U at their own facility and have the experts come to them if they are unable to attend Ipsen’s regularly scheduled sessions. If you would like all of your employees educated on the finer points of maintaining, operating and understanding the equipment and processes being utilized, this is a popular alternative.
Overall, Ipsen U is a practical, hands-on course that allows participants to build upon and refresh their knowledge of heat-treating equipment and processes. Regardless of where you fall on the expertise scale – maintenance, operator, engineer, project manager and/or plant manager – Ipsen U’s instructors will provide the necessary level of information in a casual, open-forum environment.

Learn more and register for the remaining Ipsen U courses this year – October 14-16 – at www.IpsenUSA.com/IpsenU.