New ultra-high purity nitrogen gas generators released

Nitrogen is a dry, inert gas which is used in many commercial and industrial applications to improve quality or where oxygen may be harmful to the product or processes. (Courtesy: Nano)

The new nano GEN2 i-4.0 range of nitrogen gas generators provide a wide range of flow rates and purities from 95 percent to 99.999 percent. The fourth Industrial Revolution has arrived as machines are digitally connected to their operators and the GEN2 i-4.0 leads the industry for onsite N2 gas generators. Full communication protocols including modbus, profibus, and other building management system connections can be achieved via an RS485 or ethernet RJ45 port. The WiFi option allows the GEN2 i-4.0 to be accessed, operated, and monitored from anywhere in the world.

With a nano GEN2 i-4.0 gas generator you can expect payback typically between six to 24 months. This unique modular design and energy saving functionality offers a number of significant advantages over delivered gas options as well as traditional generator designs.

The compact system can be installed easily and with a minimum cost and disruption and requires only a pre-treated compressed air system to start production.  An on-site generator enables users to fulfill their demand for nitrogen gas on their premises, under their complete control. As a result, companies can generate as much or as little nitrogen as needed at a fraction of the cost of having the gas delivered by an external supplier.