Solar Manufacturing names new chief mechanical engineer


Solar Manufacturing, Inc. recently announced the hiring of Nicholas Max, BSME Drexel University, as its chief mechanical engineer to head up its vacuum furnace mechanical design group. Max is also pursuing an MBA at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Max will be tasked to lead the further development of Solar Manufacturing’s energy efficient hot zones, vacuum vessels, high pressure gas quenching systems, and vacuum pumping systems. He was a program manager in his last position and led design engineers who were focused on the development of specialty battery technologies for space and defense applications.

“Nick will be an excellent addition to our design team from his rich, multi-disciplinary industrial experience of the past 10 years,” said Bob Wilson, VP of engineering. “He will work alongside me for the next couple of years as I prepare for eventual retirement. The company will be well-positioned to continue its excellent reputation as an industry leader of robust vacuum furnace designs.”

Solar Manufacturing designs and manufactures a wide variety of vacuum heat treating, sintering, and brazing furnaces. They also offer replacement hot zones, spare parts, and professional service.