IMAT ASMS 2021 issues call for abstracts


IMAT 2021 will co-locate with Heat Treat 2021, North American Cold Spray Conference 2021, and Motion + Power Technology Expo 2021. ASM is the only society that unifies different market segments that cross the entire materials world and connects industry, academia and government to solve global materials challenges.

The conference and expo will feature:

  • In-person networking opportunities with 200+ exhibitors and 9,000+ attendees.
  • 800+ technical presentations, keynotes, and panel discussions.
  • Four days of technical programming and three days of expo.
  • 300+ students interested in materials engineering for recruitment programs.
  • A global reach to more than 300 countries.

Registration opens in spring 2021. Deadline for abstract submissions is February 19, 2021.

Abstracts are being solicited in the following topic areas:

  • Additive Manufacturing.
  • ATI Specialty Materials.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
  • Characterization of Materials and Microstructure through Metallography, Image Analysis, and Mechanical Testing – Fundamental and Applied Studies.
  • Corrosion and Environmental Degradation.
  • Emerging Technologies.
  • Failure Analysis.
  • Functional Materials and Structures – Solving barriers to adoption.
  • Joining of Advance and Specialty Materials (JASM XXII).
  • Light Metal Technology.
  • Materials 4.0: Materials Information in the Product Life Cycle.
  • Materials Behavior & Characterization.
  • Materials for Energy & Utilities.
  • Medical / Biomaterials: Driving for delivered patient value.
  • Materials & Processes for Automation.
  • Metals, Ceramics and Composite Materials (raw materials, processing, manufacturing methods, applications, environmental effects).
  • Processing and Applications.
  • PSDK XV: Phase Stability and Diffusion Kinetics.
  • Sustainable Materials & Processes.