New book provides a primer of basic heat-treat principles


Practical Heat Treating: Basic Principles, by Jon L. Dossett, describes the basic principles of heat-treating technology in clear, concise, and practical terms for students, emerging professionals, production personnel, and manufacturing or design engineers. It is an excellent resource and introductory guide on the practical “whys and therefore” of heat treatment — including the tips and useful look-up information of a perennial reference book. With in-depth and comprehensive coverage, this book details many practical implications of heat treatment in terms of material and process selection and structure and property development, with insights on doing it right or more reliably.

Derived from the author’s decades of experience and familiarity with many of the publications and educational and programming products of ASM International, each chapter is amply illustrated with charts and supported by current or classic references for background or further reading. This thorough and practical coverage on the basic principles of heat treating would be a useful addition to the bookshelf of anyone with an interest in heat treating.

Chapters detail the basic metallurgy of heat treatment and microstructural effects of heat-treat processes on the major types of steels and nonferrous alloys. Extensive coverage is given to the reliable, effective, and cost-conscious heat treatment of carbon and low-alloy steels. Tool steels and stainless steels are also covered, along with a chapter that outlines the basic principles in heat treating aluminum alloys, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, magnesium alloys, and others.