Lindberg/MPH ships two atmosphere pit furnaces

Lindberg/MPH has shipped two electrically heated atmosphere pit furnaces to the automotive industry. (Courtesy: Lindberg/MPH)

Lindberg/MPH has shipped two electrically heated atmosphere pit furnaces to the automotive industry. The nitrogen atmosphere pit furnaces will be used for heat treating automotive parts.

The two pit furnaces use high-velocity forced convection heating systems inside an atmosphere tight retort chamber and have a maximum operating temperature of 1,250°F. The work chamber is approximately 50” in diameter and 60” deep. The overall dimensions are 101” wide by 90” long by 148” high with a working height of 110”. The maximum load gross weight is 10,000 pounds.

The atmosphere tight furnace retorts are interior chambers that contain the nitrogen atmosphere and workload within a cylindrical shell that has a solid bottom and sealing trough at the top. The systems also feature forced cooling systems to accelerate the furnace cooling cycle while the load is under nitrogen atmosphere.

“Pit furnaces provide customers with the ability to process large product loads. These furnaces also feature forced cooling to reduce cycle times and further increase production rates,” said Kelley Shreve, applications engineer.

Features of these Lindberg/MPH nitrogen atmosphere pit furnaces include:

  • Eurotherm programmable temperature controller.
  • Motorized butterfly valves and air blowers in the forced cooling system.
  • Nitrogen pressure reducing regulator and two manually adjusted flowmeters.
  • Electrically operated boom lift cover lid.
  • Alloy propeller furnace fan with high efficiency 3-HP motor.
  • Helical coiled Ni-chrome heating elements.
  • Thermal efficient ceramic fiber insulating modules.