Baker Furnace has AR platform for use on furnace lines

Augmented reality allows operators, maintenance personnel, and engineers to interact with the furnace through a tablet. (Courtesy: Thermal Product Solutions)

Baker Furnace, a division of Thermal Product Solutions, presents the augmented reality (AR) platform to its furnace lines. Augmented reality allows operators, maintenance personnel, and engineers to interact with the furnace through a tablet. There are three levels available on the furnaces with a PLC: augmented operator, augmented maintenance, and augmented engineering. 

The AR will have step-by-step procedures, component manuals, mechanical drawings, electrical drawings, and real, live data at the component level.

There is no longer a need to open electrical panels and put on ARC flash attire; with the tablet camera, all you have to do is point and click, giving you a view of the inside of the panel with all its components and live data.

 “We are excited to be able to offer this augmented reality platform and give our customers advanced capabilities in their controls while greatly improving their user experience,” said Sergio Luevano, general manager.

The augmented-operator level will provide systematic procedures on how to run the furnace. The system logs when the procedure starts and when the procedure ends. This will provide helpful data to your industrial engineers to do a timework study by providing data on typical loads. It will also increase productivity with training new operators and serve as a refresher for standard operating procedures. Operators will have the ability to pull up manuals or send messages to maintenance/engineering with issues or potential issues directly from their tablets.

The augmented-maintenance level will provide all electrical, mechanical drawings, component manuals, and step-by-step procedures on performing maintenance on critical components. By using the step-by-step procedures, it will provide a log when maintenance was performed and on what item. Maintenance personnel will have the ability to be on the machine and use the tablet to pull up manuals, troubleshooting tips, and have maintenance intervals for each component.

The augmented-engineering level will provide real, live data of components on the tablet. It is as simple as pointing the tablet camera toward the control panel. Clicking on the image of the panel will allow you to open up the panel on your screen. Both maintenance and engineering personnel will have the ability to be on the machine and use the tablet to pull up manuals, troubleshooting tips, maintenance intervals, and real-time data of components in the cabinet.

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