Make plans to attend Heat Treat 2023

Heat Treat 2023 will be October 17-19 in Detroit, Michigan, and co-located with IMAT 2023 and the Motion+Power Technology Expo.

Heat Treat 2023 will be in Detroit, Michigan, October 17–19. This event will be co-located with IMAT 2023 and the Motion+Power Technology Expo and cover many topics of interest.  This is the 32nd ASM Heat Treating Society Conference and Exhibition. 

At the present time, about 125 papers from international heat-treating professionals have been submitted.

The conference is being held along with ASM’s annual meeting, “International Materials, Applications and Technologies (IMAT)” Conference & Expo, providing Heat Treat attendees with access to 100 materials-related exhibitors and more than 400 additional technical presentations and workshops.  Additionally, with the Motion + Power Technology Expo 2023, attendees will also have access to an additional 300 exhibitors.

Keynote speakers scheduled for this event include:

• Dr. Leo Christodoulou, Chief Technologist, The Boeing Company, “Material in the Data-rich Age.”

• Dr. Jeannette M. Garcia, Manager/Global Lead for Quantum Applications in Chemistry and Science, IBM Research in Almaden, “Addressing Chemistry Challenges with Emerging Technology in Industry Research.”

• Dr. JT Kostman, Chief Executive Officer, ProtectedBy.AI, “Observations of a Myopic Futurist.”

• Dr. James A. Ruud, Senior Principal Scientist, GE Global Research, “Emerging Materials Technologies for Power Generation.”

Core programming from ASM Affiliate Societies, including the Heat Treating Society, will serve as the backbone of IMAT technical sessions. More than 600 academic and industry presentations from leading scientists, researchers, and industry experts will share their knowledge on topics including additive manufacturing, materials behavior and characterization, phase stability, and reaction kinetics.  

There are numerous student/emerging professionals initiatives, including free college student registration, Fluxtrol Student Research Competition, and the ASM Heat Treating Society Strong Bar Student Competition.  This is an opportunity for young professionals and students to meet international heat-treating experts.  Several courses by ASM HTS or AGMA will be available.

The technical program is available at

28th IFHTSE Congress

November 13-16, 2023  |  Yokohama, Japan

This event is sponsored by the Japanese Society for Heat Treatment.  This wide-ranging conference offers participants the opportunity to network and hear papers on a series of topics, including thermal processing of steel, surface hardening, additive manufacturing, and modeling and simulation of industrial processes.

The technical program is available at

The event venue, PACIFICO Yokohama, is one of the largest convention complexes in the world. 

Deadline of full paper submission: September 29, 2023.

A special issue of JSHT will be published in March 2024 (scheduled). Applicants can submit a full paper (refereed) to the special issue. Only the presenters of the 28th IFHTSE Congress can submit full papers for this special issue.

IFHTSE Fellows to be presented in Yokohama

The following IFHTSE Fellows will be awarded at the 28th IFHTSE Congress:

• Professor Yoshinao Mishima, formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan: “In recognition of his study for improving the mechanical properties of heat-resistant metal materials by microstructure control, and contribution to the development of heat treatment technology and IFHTSE.”

• Dr. U. Kamachi Mudali, Chairman and Chief Executive, Heavy Water Board, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India: “In recognition of outstanding scientific contributions in corrosion and surface engineering of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys by innovative laser, ion beam, and chemical methods to achieve novel microstructures and improved corrosion resistance and development of high nitrogen stainless steels and high temperature ceramic coatings for aggressive corrosive environments.”

2nd Bosphorus International Heat Treatment Symposium

April 25-26, 2024  |  Instanbul

BHTS’2024 — 2nd Bosphorus International Heat Treatment Symposium will be at the Halic Congress Center in Instanbul in cooperation with MISAD — Heat Treatment Industrialists Association and METEM — UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers’ Training Center.

With the scope of this symposium, a space will be created where the challenges in advanced heat treatment technologies, current R&D studies, new developments, and different ideas will be discussed. Within this framework, local, foreign, and international companies are invited that want to exhibit their products, services, and exemplary applications to support them as participants. The symposium is in Turkish and English. Turkish-English simultaneous translation will be provided in all sessions.

Important dates:

  • Abstract submission deadline: October 13, 2023.
  • Deadline for papers: January 19, 2024.
  • Event information:

29th IFHTSE Congress

September 30 – October 3, 2024  |  Cleveland, Ohio

The Congress takes place in concomitance with IMAT, ASM’s annual meeting.  Planning for this event is in progress. More information will be coming soon.  

Spotlight on Members

IFHTSE is a federation of organizations not individuals. There are three groups of members: scientific or technical societies and associations, universities and registered research institutes, and companies.

The Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials

The purpose of the Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials is to support metallurgy, materials technology, and the associated processes in the scientific, technical, and business arena.

The organization has been in continuous operation since 1925 and has active committees in advanced surface engineering, metallography and microstructural analysis, furnace construction and operation, and powder metallurgy.  There are also many other active committees.  

More information: